Tuesday, December 20, 2011

PLEASE continue to work on preposition Storybirds and enjoy your holidays!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Preposition StoryBook Project - Using Storybird.com OR good old fashioned paper!

Students were given a list of 54 prepositions. We discussed prepositional phrases. Then, students were given a tour of a site called storybird.com where they can create online storybooks. Students were provided with usernames and passwords to open their accounts in our classroom account.  Students will earn two points for each preposition they incorporate in their stories up to a total of 54 prepositions. Prepositions MUST be used in a prepositional phrase (preposition eventually followed by a noun or pronuon). Students may design any type of school-appropriate story they desire.  Students must turn in a list of the prepositions they used and corresponding page numbers. If computer use is not available, students can design these books using good, old-fashioned paper and art supplies. Stories and preposition/page number lists are due on Friday, January 6.



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Practice Formative Test

Students all took formative test with questions like those that may appear on Friday's mideterm. This test DOES NOT include EVERYTHING that will be tested on Friday. It only includes some of the standards. The test was also reviewed in class today so that students know what they need to go back and study before Friday. All resources for the exam can be found at tinyrul.com/istudyla

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Spelling Bee

Today, all of our language arts classes participated in a spelling be to select candidates for our school spelling bee which will then compete in the county-wide annual spelling bee. It was also iPod day, so as students finished competing in the bee they read novels and listened to their iPods. PLEASE CONTINUE TO STUDY FOR THE MID TERM THIS FRIDAY by visiting www.tinyurl.com/istudyla

Friday, December 9, 2011

Students took a quiz today on pronouns vs. adjectives. Then we did a timed writing. Lastly, we used Versatiles to review subjects and predicates for our upcoming midterm.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pronouns vs. Adjectives

Shortened classes today due to it being Advisement Thursday. Each class participated in a scavenger hunt. They were provided with 8 sentences totalling 31 words and were also provided with 31 parts of speech labels to match up with the words in each sentence. This exercise was designed to help students tell the difference between different types of pronouns and adjectives. Then, as a class, we labelled the same sentences on the whiteboard and students corrected theirs. There will be a quiz on this tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Graded Work and Writing Folders

Today in class, all students received their graded Adverb Menus back. These grades are available on Parent Portal. As usual, any student scoring below an 80% is encouraged to either make the corrections noted on the returned work or attend a help session. For this help session, students were invited to give their name and the name of their first connection's teacher to Ms. Jackson or Ms. Flowers. On Monday, these students will be excused from their first connection class to attend the help session.

Additionally, students received their graded writing tests back. These were scored on an 8th grade scale and therefore I decided to raise these grades in parent portal (formative) by 10 points. Students reviewed their writing in class today along with the feeback provided by the scorers. Furthermore, students noted their scores in each area of the test on a chart which will be mainited in a writing folder that will follow them from 6th to 7th and 8th grades.

No homework tonight.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Students are to spend 15 minutes tonight working on persuasive writing from class today. It is not a requirement to finish or type the full essay. Just work intently for 15 minutes on it.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Today, we reviewed yesterday's homework. We also did another timed writing and had a classmate check it. Students were reminded to bring a novel on Fri and Mon because there will be a sub. NO HOMEWORK! I will be off Fri and Mon and NOT be updating Angel. There will be no homework, but the sub will give plenty of class work that I left for the students.