Monday, April 16, 2012

Week of April 16 - 20 FLIPPED: Assignment due at end-of-class, Friday, April 20 -- ALSO See Note About MAKEUPS FOR FLIPPED VOCAB TEST

This week, students are being asked to read three chapters of Flipped:  Buddy Beware, The Sycamore Tree, and Bawk, Bawk, Bawk.

An assignment from the MENU below (choose one) is due by the end of class on Friday.  Time will be provided during class for students to work on reading and the assignment, but time at home may also be required to meet the deadline.

(We may or may/not do this next week)


Note:  Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and neatness ALL COUNT for these assignments.

#1-Write a newspaper article about Juli and the Sycamore Tree (must be at least five paragraphs)

#2-Create a very detailed and colorful work of art (drawing) of the Sycamore Tree. Write an artist's statement (describe why you were inspired to create this drawing and what it means to you). The statement must be at least three paragraphs long.

#3-Create a powerpoint presentation identifying the pros and cons involved in cutting down the Sycamore tree. You must PRINT OFF the powerpoint to turn it in for a grade.

#4-Write a journal/diary entry as either Bryce or Julie discussing your feelings about the Sycamore tree (must be at least five paragraphs).

#5-Make a list of at least 20 words that you "learned" as you read these chapters.  Create a mini dictionary of these words (words from the chapters) and include their definitions. This should be in the form of a mini-book that you create however you wish.  It is not just a list of words and definitions on a sheet of paper.

#6-Imagine that Mr. Walt Disney has learned the sad story of the Sycamore Tree's fate and has offered to save the tree and build an amusement park around it.  Create a brochure for "Sycamore Park" describing the rides and attractions.

#7-Make a collage of images that are related to the chapters you read. The collage must include at least 20 images.

#8-Make a list of 20 questions that came to your mind as you read these chapters. What did you wonder about as you read? What did you want to know more about?

#9-Create a test!  Write 20 multiple choice questions that are related to the chapters you read. Must include an ANSWER KEY!

#10-Write a persuasive letter to the town mayor persuading him to take action and save the Sycamore tree (must be at least five paragraphs).

#11-Write a poem expressing either Bryce or Juli's emotions about the Sycamore tree (must be at least five stanzas).

IF YOU SCORED BELOW AN 80 on the summative FLIPPED Vocabulary Test (See Parent Portal), and would like to raise the score up to an 80, please do the following:

Monday, April 23 and/or Thursday, April 26 AT 8:30 A.M..

1)  If you scored below an 80 on the Flipped Vocabulary test, will be presented with a copy of this notice as a pass to attend the makup session(s). 

2)  When you arrive for the makup session, BRING your copy of FLIPPED.  Students will be provided with an activity to raise their grade.  If students do not finish this activity before going to their homerooms at 9 a.m., they can come in early again on THURSDAY morning to finish this task.

3)  In the meantime, students should be locating these vocabulary words in the first two chapters of Flipped and reviewing the meanings of the vocabulary words as used in the novel.  The vocabulary words are:  CATAPULTING, IMPLICATION, ACUTE, SABOTAGE, ANTAGONIZE, DISSERTATION, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, INDEBTED, LUNATIC, RETRIEVE, PREOCCUPIED, CIVILIZED, TRAGEDY, NINNY, SWOON, DILEMMAS, CONSCIENCE.  Note: is a good student online dictionary.